Monday, 7 February 2011

The Fun We Had

I wanted to share something with you. It's something that has been bugging me for a while and nothing to do with cake...

Like many other people I love my family and so take lots of photos and video when we are out and about. This is great and the kids love it the problem comes with what to do next. Do you develop your photos and put them in an album or just leave them in the envelope they came in? Do you add them to Facebook or Flicr maybe? And then what, press delete? Maybe you put them all on to CDs to cherish forever? There are problems with whatever you choose. Technology is changing all the time and CDs are becoming a thing of the past. What if your chosen website is no longer your favourite and you start to use something else. Your pictures will be scattered everywhere and no where at the same time! How will you show your children what they looked like when they were babies? You can't leave it all on your computer indefinitely.

So now what? I don't have the answer, only questions! And the reason i'm asking? Well isn't it obvious? My memory is filling up, my babies are growing up and I don't want to lose it all.

My mum and mother in law have beautiful albums all neatly written up. Something we really can cherish forever (well unless the house burns down!) However, I have to admit I do not have the time or if i'm honest the patience to do this, although i did start with our eldest - eldest always privileged right? More time and in awe of the tiny thing we have made? I also made DVDs of all the little video clips, you could see her every development. Sorry number two I love you just as much, but time just doesn't seem as abdunant now.

This is what I have done... I have found out that our iMac is amazing and can do the work for me. I have made slide shows of everything and loaded them on to iTunes. Now the children are watching, in amazement, themselves 12 months ago. I am feeling all teary eyed at how much they have changed. Am happy now, at least for the moment we can remember the fun we had!

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