Many of you will already be aware but where once I was one, now we are two in the kitchen.
The Cake Nest is an entirely family run business, with all baking done in house and so when I needed extra help it was only right that my husband came and joined me. So I have set him to bake and, just in case you were worrying, he comes from a strong line himself, with his gran being a professional cake maker.
Now you may be wondering what he is getting up to. Within minutes of joining us he shot off to Slattery's to do their chocolate course. Oh the joy of him coming home with bags of chocolate that he had made but we knew it wasn't meant to be for us and so I put him in the kitchen and let him work his magic the results have been amazing.
Mr Cake
Our next big thing is the Earls Court,
Cake and Bake Show in September. Steve is busy creating some wonderful goodies to wow you on the day that will be available on our website afterwards. Try our
cake balls today to test his skills and then control your drooling and come and visit us.
Grab your tickets now and you'll even get a discount by quoting "FLYERIHS".
Please offer a warm welcome to Mr Cake, the man himself, Steve Phillips our Creative Baker.